
For Girls

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While kids can learn from all books, they do also relate well to seeing characters that remind them of themselves.

Many girls are struggling with anxiety and the feeling of not ‘being enough’.

Let’s work to get rid of that thinking, and to make every child feel worthy and capable.

BONUS! A short but catchy song to accompany each book 🎶


Featuring five best sellers from the Mindful Mantras collection!

I Matter

Positive self-talk and repetition combine for the win!

Why do kids matter? Because we love them so!

The BIGGER question is, do kids know how much they matter? Share the ups and downs Elise deals with throughout her day with your child, so they can see she’s just like them. The good, the bad and the stompy.

Sometimes she needs help to understand why she matters, and sometimes it’s crystal clear. On every page, she is reminded again of that simple fact that SHE MATTERS, which becomes positive self-talk.

I Believe in Myself

Believing in yourself can be hard. 

Here is a secret: all people, not just kids, wonder if they are good enough, strong enough, or fast enough at some point in their lives. Everyone wonders if they’ll be up to the challenges life presents.

Boost your child or students’ self-confidence while reading about Poppy. See how she handles situations that make her feel BIG emotions and learns to believe in herself.

I Can Do It

Does your child feel able to do hard things?

Hopefully, the answer is YES! but even the most independent children need reminders sometimes.

Kids are quite capable when given the chance to do things for themselves, but at the same time, it’s normal to doubt themselves and to wonder if they will be able to do things that seem hard at first.

I Will Try

Would you just please TRY?!?

If this refrain sounds familiar, you need this book!

Help your child or students learn an important concept, that they can TRY even when they don’t know what new places, people or things have in store.

I Belong

Kids feel uncertain about themselves and worry about whether they fit in. Let’s stop that from happening before it starts!

After reading this book your young child will realize that people are more alike than different and that everyone belongs, no matter where they are or what differences they might have.

Read it to them now, when they are small, so they will grow up knowing this to be true: THEY BELONG!

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